“it’s time, move, get up, do it now.”

About Me

From Rita
With Love

Hey ya’ll thanks so much for dropping in! My name is Rita and I’m just a non-complicated, down to earth, realist simply striving to be the best version of me all while embracing all of me.
My passion is finding ways to bring joy and happiness to myself and others whether that be offering advice or just being a good listener when needed. I truly love all things self-care related and I’m a huge advocate for promoting wellness. This year (2022) I’m turning 50 and unlike turning 20, 30 or 40 this new chapter has great significance to me as I’ve endeared so much loss. I want to embrace the life that I have because tomorrow isn’t promised.
For so many years I’ve wanted to start a blog but never found the courage to do so and after wasting so much time and money on half done and never completed projects, I’m ready to take the leap.
In my present-day career, I’m in the field of technology but anxiously pushing towards entrepreneurship and becoming my own boss. For so long I let fear hover over me and stop me from pursuing what I want most but that’s no longer a thing.
In fact, I feel fiercer than ever, and I’d rather give it all I got and literally fail than to not try at all. I don’t know if it’s me on the road to 50 or something else but I feel an urge so strong to start this journey it’s like God himself whispered in my ear saying, “it’s time, move, get up, do it now”.
My career has been a blessing to me however starting my blog “Classic Beauty” has been my call to action.
A few of my interest are travel, organizing & cleaning and decorating especially around the holidays as it keeps me in good spirit, so I’ll be sharing plenty of tips for holiday décor.


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